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Looking for a Second Income? Take a Look at Dividend Stocks.

newspaper-job-section-1427231-639x372How about adding dividend stocks to your portfolio to complete the job that bonds can’t at the moment?

For some ideas regarding the difference between high yield stocks and dividend growth equities take a look at our latest white paper – Click here to download the report: “Equity Income For the Yield Starved Investor

Some of our report conclusions:

►High Dividend Yield stocks tend to be inexpensive but lacking in growth and historically have been members of distressed categories

►High Dividend Growth stocks are only slightly more expensive than their lower growth peers but exhibit much higher rates of prospective earnings growth as well as superior profitability

►Our overall conclusion is that High Dividend Growth stocks are not materially over-valued versus lower growth companies and that there is an adequate margin of safety to fund dividends out of earnings growth

►We strongly suggest employing dividend growth strategies as the preferred way to implement income generation programs

►We also believe that significant dividend growth opportunities exist outside of the major equity markets so a global perspective is recommended

►Finally, priority should be given to the analysis of company fundamentals in terms of their ability to increase dividends in a financially responsible manner while also allowing the investor a margin of principal (price) protection


Eric J. Weigel
Managing Partner and Founder of Global Focus Capital LLC


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